25 subjects found
BI 18-28 Pal Benko 90! BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Endre Végh
Yearbook 127 (2018)
CK 10.4 A weapon in the Caro-Kann CK Classical Variation 4...Bf5 by Benjamin Bok
EO 24.13 An adventurous queen sortie EO Reversed Sicilian 2... or 3...c6 by Jan Timman
EO 62.4 An update in the Hartston Variation EO Anti-Grünfeld Line by Robert Ris
FR 1.4 Not an easy draw! FR Exchange Variation by Alexander Finkel
FR 10.4 The Armenian French: the positional way FR Winawer Variation 5...Ba5 by Luis Rodi
GI 10.1 Turning the Russian Variation on its head? GI Russian System 5.Qb3 by David Vigorito
IG 2.7-10 Trends in the Giuoco Piano - Part IV IG Giuoco Piano 3...Bc5 by Robert Hungaski
KI 15.4 The end of a popular King's Indian variation? KI Classical Main Line: Other Moves by Thomas Willemze
QI 8.4-5 AlphaZero on the attack! QI Classical Variation 4...Bb7 by Jose Vilela
QO 11.14 Piket's pawn sacrifice QO Exchange Variation by Bogdan Lalic
QO 13.1 A revision of the orthodox Queen's Gambit? QO Classical Main Line by Viacheslav Ikonnikov
QO 2.10 Some fine homework by Mamedyarov QO Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4 by Erwin l`Ami
QP 6.2 A good place for the king QP London System by Krzysztof Panczyk , Jacek Ilczuk
RE 6.2 An old weapon reloaded RE 1...d5 2.c4 c6 by Ruslan Ponomariov
RG 4.9 A neglected but viable option RG Marshall Variation 6...Bd6 by Krisztian Szabo
RL 23.10 Can't find the right move? Make a useful pass! RL Chigorin Variation 9...Na5 by Laszlo Gonda
RL 7.1 New ideas with Bg5 in the Anti-Berlin RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6 by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
SI 1.2 Tricky and dangerous, or: a sly cat makes a big jump SI Early Divergences by Tibor Fogarasi
SI 1.3 A flexible retreat SI Moscow Variation 3.Bb5+ by Arthur Pijpers
SI 17.4 The new main line Dragon? SI Dragon 6.Be3 and 7.f3 by Mikhail Golubev
SI 33.12 Progressive construction - Rogoff's 12.Bd3 renews the pain, Part I SI Accelerated Dragon 4...g6 by Lev Gutman
SI 33.4 A quiet rook move SI Accelerated Dragon 4...g6 by Nikolay Ninov
SO 5.5 A fresh old move with a future SO Classical Variation 4...Bc5 by Ivan Ivanisevic
VO 25.8 e3 Poison and the World Champion VO Van 't Kruijs Opening 1.e3 by Axel Smith