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25 subjects found

CA 3.4
A Small Surprise in the Catalan
CA Accepted 4...dxc4
by Jan-Krzysztof Duda

Yearbook 117 (2015)

EO 57.5
A Novel Idea in the Flohr-Mikenas
EO Franco English 2...e6 3.e4
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 117 (2015)

FR 4.4
Slightly Better Endgames in the French
FR Steinitz Variation
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 117 (2015)

GI 1.1
The Latest News in the 3.f3 Anti-Grünfeld: White Plans with a Quick f3-f4 - Part III
GI 3.f3 Line
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 117 (2015)

IG 2.2
Jobava Finally Makes a Draw in a Pet Line
IG Giuoco Piano 3...Bc5
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 117 (2015)

KI 2.1
Complications in the Mar del Plata
KI Classical Main Line 9.Ne1
by Krisztian Szabo

Yearbook 117 (2015)

KI 4.5
A Chinese Interpretation of an Old Variation
KI Classical Main Line 9.b4
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 117 (2015)

KP 14.2
The Modern Max Lange Attack
KP Two Knights: 4.d4 complex
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 117 (2015)

RE 8.13
Pato's Double Fianchetto
RE 1...d5 2.c4 e6
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 117 (2015)

SI 14.12
Pushing White Back in the 6.h3 Najdorf - Part II
SI Najdorf Variation: Other Lines
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 117 (2015)

SI 41.4
Eccentric Rascals and Lazy Followers
SI Basman-Sale Variation 4...Bc5
by Srdjan Sale

Yearbook 117 (2015)

SL 3.4
The 'Copy-Paste' Variation - Part III
SL Accepted: Other Moves
by Istvan Almasi

Yearbook 117 (2015)

SL 6.1
The Latest Trends in the Triangle
SL Marshall Gambit 4.e4
by Nikolay Ninov

Yearbook 117 (2015)

VO 8.1-11
1.b3 - A Retrospective
VO Nimzowitsch/Larsen 1.b3
by Baadur Jobava

Yearbook 117 (2015)

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