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27 subjects found

CA 5.4
The Chinese Recipe: Manoeuvre your Queen to a5!
CA Open Variation 6...dxc4
by Istvan Almasi

Yearbook 121 (2016)

CK 4.11
Latest Trends in the Advanced Caro-Kann
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 121 (2016)

FR 11.3
The Non-Qg4 Winawer - Part II: Romance is Dead
FR Winawer Variation Other Lines
by David Miedema

Yearbook 121 (2016)

FR 12.3
The Non-Qg4 Winawer - Part II: Romance is Dead
FR Winawer Variation 7.Nf3
by David Miedema

Yearbook 121 (2016)

GI 5.11
Follow the Trend in the Classical Grünfeld Exchange Variation
GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4
by Adrien Demuth

Yearbook 121 (2016)

IG 2.7
The Plan of Opening the Centre
IG Giuoco Piano 3...Bc5
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 121 (2016)

KI 65.4
From the Frying Pan into the Fire
KI Fianchetto Variation
by Baskaran Adhiban

Yearbook 121 (2016)

QO 16.14
How to Avoid the Cambridge Springs
QO The 4...Nbd7 Complex
by Krzysztof Panczyk , Jacek Ilczuk

Yearbook 121 (2016)

QP 1.16
A Central Blow without an Explosion
QP Torre Attack 3.Bg5
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 121 (2016)

RL 12.3
An Unusual Move Order against the Fianchetto
RL Early Divergences after 3...a6 4.Ba4
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 121 (2016)

RL 26.12
New Ideas for Both Colours
RL Zaitsev Variation 9...Bb7
by Krisztian Szabo

Yearbook 121 (2016)

RL 9.1
Is Keres's 5.Bb3 That Strong in the Delayed Cozio?
RL Early Divergences after 3...a6 4.Ba4
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SI 14.12
Mix and Match in the Najdorf
SI Najdorf Variation: Other Lines
by David Vigorito

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SI 14.8
A Principal Duel between Two Najdorf Experts
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3
by Lev Gutman

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SI 40.1
A Fresh Idea in the Taimanov Variation
SI Taimanov Variation 2...Nc6, 4...e6
by Lazaro Bruzon Batista

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SL 11.14
A Comeback for the Exchange Variation?!
SL Exchange Variation
by Dejan Antic

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SL 6.2
A Breath of Fresh Air in the Slav
SL 5.g3 Line
by Danny Raznikov

Yearbook 121 (2016)

SO 4.3
Spasskys Plan in the Mieses Variation
SO Mieses Variation 4...Nf6 5.Nxc6
by Jan Timman

Yearbook 121 (2016)

TD 2.9
Giri Employs Polugaevsky's Sacrifice
TD Semi-Tarrasch
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 121 (2016)

VO 19.6
1...e6 and 2...b6: Is It Really Playable? - Part III
VO English Defence 2...b6
by Laszlo Gonda

Yearbook 121 (2016)

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