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42 subjects found

EO 20.8
An Early Fight for thr Initiative
EO Reversed Sicilian: Other Lines
by Dorian Rogozenko

Yearbook 55 (2000)

EO 38.15
7.Qa4 - A solid Weapon for Black
EO Symmetrical with d7-d5
by Viktor Gavrikov

Yearbook 55 (2000)

FR 11.6
7...Qc7 - Smoking Guns?
FR Winawer Variation 7.Qg4
by Leon Pliester

Yearbook 55 (2000)

GI 4.14
Looking for the Ultimate Truth
GI Exchange Variation 7.Nf3
by René Olthof

Yearbook 55 (2000)

KI 80.17
5.e3 - The Reversed Tarrasch
KI Early Divergences
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 55 (2000)

KP 3.13
4...g6 Larsen's Variation
KP Philidor Defence 2...d6
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 55 (2000)

NI 22.4
4...c5 - A Golden Oldie
NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 55 (2000)

QO 7.10
8.Bd3 - Romanishin's Interesting Idea
QO Tartakower Variation 7...b6
by Alexander Beliavsky

Yearbook 55 (2000)

SI 11.4
Fighting against an early Be6
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be2
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 55 (2000)

SI 4.6
6...e6 7.f4 Nc6 - A Question of Faith
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by Karel Van der Weide

Yearbook 55 (2000)

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