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37 subjects found

AL 10.2
The Alekhine in the 21st Century
AL Larsen Variation 4...dxe5
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 64 (2002)

BI 27.12
Equalising with 12...Qa5
BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

CK 8.7
A Critical Line Against 4...Nd7
CK Smyslov Variation 4...Nd7
by Igor Stohl

Yearbook 64 (2002)

FR 5.4
The MacCutcheon Refuted?
FR MacCutcheon Variation
by Istvan Almasi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

FR 7.4
Weinstein vs The Rubinstein
FR Burn Variation 4...dxe4
by John Van der Wiel

Yearbook 64 (2002)

GI 10.5
A Happy Choice for White against the Hungarian Variation
GI Russian System 5.Qb3
by René Olthof

Yearbook 64 (2002)

GI 10.7
A Happy Choice for White against the Hungarian Variation
GI Russian System 5.Qb3
by René Olthof

Yearbook 64 (2002)

IG 2.13
A Quiet Positional Approach
IG Giuoco Piano 3...Bc5
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 64 (2002)

KI 32.3
Looking for Blank Spots
KI Early Divergences
by Eduard Gufeld

Yearbook 64 (2002)

NI 10.11
Three Plans for Each Side
NI Rubinstein Variation 5.Ne2
by Yury Shulman

Yearbook 64 (2002)

QO 16.14
A Trusted Weapon Against 4...Nbd7
QO The 4...Nbd7 Complex
by Yannick Pelletier

Yearbook 64 (2002)

QO 2.8
And now for something completely different!
QO Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4
by Leon Pliester

Yearbook 64 (2002)

RG 4.8
Frank Marshall's Simple Recipe
RG Marshall Variation 6...Bd6
by Paul Boersma

Yearbook 64 (2002)

RL 7.4
Another Brick in the Wall - Part II
RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6
by Zoltan Almasi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SI 25.3
An Early Knight Exchange on d4
SI Classical Variation 5...Nc6
by Karel Van der Weide

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SI 27.10
A Highly Complicated Main Line
SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SI 32.16
The Anti-Sveshnikov - Part 2
SI Anti-Sveshnikov 3.Nc3
by Dorian Rogozenko

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SI 40.2
The English Attack vs the Taimanov
SI Taimanov Variation 2...Nc6, 4...e6
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SL 1.4
A Tremendous Player has Passed Away
SL 4.Qc2 (4...dc4)
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 64 (2002)

SO 2.2
The Fundamental Test for the Belgrade Gambit
SO Belgrade Gambit 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 64 (2002)

TD 4.10
To Draw or Not to Draw - that's the question!
TD Rubinstein Variation 6.g3
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 64 (2002)

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