42 subjects found
CK 1.8 Curbing Black's Tactical Ambitions CK Two Knights Variation 2.Nc3/3.Nf3 by Vladimir Bagirov
Yearbook 54 (2000)
CK 4.4 4.Nc3 - A Poisoned Pawn in the Caro-Kann CK Advance Variation 3.e5 by Jeroen Bosch
FR 3.4 Another strong Nh6-line FR Advance Variation 6.Be2 by Harmen Jonkman
FR 5.3 5.ed5 - The Mac is Back! FR MacCutcheon Variation by Karel Van der Weide
GI 1.2 Delaying Castling GI Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 by Paul Van der Sterren
HD 11.2 4.g4 - Early Divergences HD Staunton Gambit by Richard Meulders
HD 11.3 4.g4 HD Staunton Gambit by Richard Meulders
KI 15.4 A Quiet Approach KI Old Main Line by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
KI 52.2 How to Handle the Samisch KI Samisch Variation 5.f3 by Kick Langeweg
KP 8.11 3...d5 - Scope for Endless Analysis KP Ponziani 3.c3 by A.C Van der Tak
KP 8.12 3...d5 - Scope for Endless Analysis KP Ponziani 3.c3 by A.C Van der Tak
NI 16.4 A Novelty on Move 7! NI Rubinstein Variation 5.Ne2 by Ruslan Scherbakov
NI 27.4 An Alekhine Recommendation NI Ragozin Variation 4.Nf3 d5 by Genna Sosonko
PU 9.4 A Barely Tested Idea PU The 150 Attack 4.Be3 by Igor Stohl
QG 10.3 The Fight for d5 QG Classical Variation 7.Qe2 by Diego Adla , Pablo Glavina
QI 14.9 5.Qb3 - A Welcome Change QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6 by Kick Langeweg
QO 11.14 The Old Carlsbad QO Exchange Variation by Vladimir Bagirov
QO 3.5 King in the Middle QO Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4 by Adrian Mikhalchishin
QO 8.12 The Blackbone of the Queen's Gambit QO Tartakower Variation 7...b6 by Paul Van der Sterren
RE 9.4 Stonewall vs Stonewall RE 1...d5 2.c4 e6 by Mihail Marin
RE 9.5 RE 1...d5 2.c4 e6 by Mihail Marin
RG 3.2 5.Bd3 - A Bishop in front of its Pawns RG 3.Nxe5 - Early Divergences by Alfonso Romero Holmes
RG 6.12 Casting Doubt on the Petroff? RG Jaenisch Variation 6...Be7 by Amador Rodriguez
SI 13.14 Falling of your Chair SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bc4 by Karel Van der Weide
SI 17.8 The Masochist Dragoneer SI Dragon 6.Be3 and 7.f3 by Jan Van de Mortel
SI 19.16 Apologia Weliana SI English Attack 6.Be3, 7.f3 by René Olthof
SI 24.11 A Classical Tabia Position SI Scheveningen Variation by Kick Langeweg
SI 26.13 My Own Variation SI Sozin Variation 6.Bc4 by Ruslan Scherbakov
SI 27.10 7...Nd4 - A Rauzer Antidote SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5 by Boris Avrukh
SI 41.15 5.c4 - An Interesting Addition to Theory SI Paulsen or Kan Variation 2...e6 and 4...a6 by A.C Van der Tak
SI 9.9 New Wrinkles in the Old Main Line SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 by Jonathan Rowson
SL 4.5 Morozevich's Mega-novelty SL Accepted: Krause Variation 5...Bf5 6.Ne5 by Glenn Flear
SL 6.11 5.Bg5 - Anti-Noteboom SL Noteboom Variation 4...dxc4 by Marinus Kuijf
SL 6.6 Anti-Moscow Gambit SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6 by Yannick Pelletier
SL 8.4 7.g4 - The Shabalov Slav SL Semi-Slav: Meran 6.Qc2 by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
SL 8.4 7.g4 Bb4 - The Shabalov Slav SL Semi-Slav: Meran 6.Qc2 by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs
SO 4.3 Unresolved Questions SO Mieses Variation 4...Nf6 5.Nxc6 by John Van der Wiel
SO 5.14 Taking Back with the Other Pawn SO Classical Variation 4...Bc5 by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
TD 4.10 12.Nd5 - A Tarrasch Case Study TD Rubinstein Variation 6.g3 by Jeroen Bosch
VG 2.9 Is a Tempo worth more than a Pawn? VG Frankenstein-Dracula 3.Bc4 by Dimitar Kostakiev , Nikolay Ninov
VO 13.2 Symmetry in its Purest Form VO Austrian Defence 2.c4 c5 by Genna Sosonko
VO 3.5 3.e4 - Exit 5...Bg2? VO Owen Defence 1...b6 by A.C Van der Tak