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31 subjects found

CA 3.1
Slav against the Catalan - Viable, or Just Risky? - Part I
CA Accepted 4...dxc4
by Igor Stohl

Yearbook 83 (2007)

CA 5.6
The Waiting Move is Still Trendy
CA Open Variation 6...dxc4
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 83 (2007)

CK 12.4
Three is Company - A Sequel
CK Classical Variation 4...Bf5
by René Olthof

Yearbook 83 (2007)

CK 4.4
Refusing the Pawn Sacrifice
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Paul Boersma

Yearbook 83 (2007)

EO 59.3
A New Approach to the Groningen Attack
EO Nimzo Approach 2. or 3...Bb4
by Michal Krasenkow

Yearbook 83 (2007)

GI 3.1.
Flank Attack versus the Grünfeld - Part I
GI Move 4: Other Lines
by Miso Cebalo

Yearbook 83 (2007)

GI 5.8
Fixing Some Black Holes - Part I
GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4
by Victor Mikhalevski

Yearbook 83 (2007)

KF 8.9
Risky But Tenable
KF 3.Nf3 Line
by Dorian Rogozenko

Yearbook 83 (2007)

KG 5.3
4...Bg4: Why Black is OK - Part III
KG Declined
by Maarten De Zeeuw

Yearbook 83 (2007)

KI 58.6
A Different Pawn Wedge - Part II
KI Four Pawns Attack 5.f4
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 83 (2007)

QG 11.14
Gradually Becoming the Main Line
QG Classical Variation 7.Bb3
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 83 (2007)

QI 1.3.
Bishops Dancing in the Bogo
QI 4.Bd2 Be7 Line
by Kick Langeweg

Yearbook 83 (2007)

QP 9.4
No-one Knows the Neo-London
QP 2.Bf4 Line
by Eric Prié

Yearbook 83 (2007)

RL 7.4
Central Play against the Berlin Wall
RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6
by Zoltan Almasi

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SD 11.5
Königsspringerzurückhaltungspolitik Reversed! - Part II
SD Main Line 2...Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5
by Eric Prié

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SI 27.5
A Dangerous Sideline - Part I
SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5
by Alexander Galkin

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SI 37.10
Temporary Camp in the Sveshnikov Jungle
SI Sveshnikov Variation 5...e5
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SI 47.14
Prompted by the Hypermodernists - Part I
SI Alapin Variation 2.c3
by Evgeny Sveshnikov

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SI 6.3
The Najdorf According to Berg
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by Emanuel Berg

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SL 1.4
Avoiding the Classical Slav
SL 4.Qc2 (4...dc4)
by Viacheslav Ikonnikov

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SL 1.5
The Choice of a Champion
SL Slow Slav 4.e3
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 83 (2007)

SL 4.3
Suffering for Half a Point in the Slav
SL Accepted: Krause Variation 5...Bf5 6.Ne5
by Steve Giddins

Yearbook 83 (2007)

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