34 subjects found
AL 10.2 A Cunning Little Move AL Larsen Variation 4...dxe5 by Alexander Finkel
Yearbook 84 (2007)
BI 3.8 A Simple and Effective Variation BI Blumenfeld Gambit by Konstantin Landa
CA 3.1 Slav against the Catalan - Part II CA Accepted 4...dxc4 by Igor Stohl
CK 3.1 Perfect Preparation CK Panov Variation 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 by René Olthof
EO 40.6 When the Hedgehog Tries to Jab EO Symmetrical: Hedgehog by Alon Greenfeld
FR 11.4 A Modest Weapon against the Winawer FR Winawer Variation 7.Qg4 0-0 by Istvan Almasi
FR 14.4 A Risky Try against the Tarrasch FR Tarrasch Variation: other lines by Nick (Nicholas) Pert
FR 4.4 A Chinese Specialty to Blow up Statistics FR Steinitz Variation by Carlos Matamoros
GI 5.8 Fixing Some Black Holes - Part II GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4 by Victor Mikhalevski
KI 67.3 The Direct Central Approach KI Fianchetto Variation by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
KI 80.19 Chernyshov's Original Anti-Grünfeld Recipe KI Early Divergences by Tibor Fogarasi
KI 81.1 Chernyshov's Original Anti-Grünfeld Recipe KI Early Divergences by Tibor Fogarasi
KP 12.8 Black's Search for Activity Continues KP Two Knights: Main Line 5...Na5 by A.C Van der Tak
NI 23.4 Romanishin's Bid for a Black Initiative NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2 by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs
PU 16.7 The Double-Edged 7.a4 - Part I PU Classical Main Line 4.Nf3 by Mihail Marin , Valentin Stoica
QG 3.2 A 400-year-old Opening Debate QG Central Variation 3.e4 by Tibor Karolyi
QI 15.6 New Ideas in the Queen's Indian QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6 by Dejan Antic
QI 4.18 Forty Years Later QI Petrosian Variation 4.a3 by Alexey Kuzmin
RE 6.2 An Early Attempt at an Advantage RE 1...d5 2.c4 c6 by Jose Vilela
RG 2.2 An Uncompromising Fight RG Steinitz Variation 3.d4 by Tibor Fogarasi
RL 11.2 Black Can Sleep Quietly RL Neo-Steinitz Variation 4...d6 by A.C Van der Tak
RL 17.4 Perfect Preparation RL Marshall Attack 8...d5 by Juan Morgado , Roberto Alvarez
RL 7.1 Increasing the Pressure RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6 by Efstratios Grivas
SD 11.7 Königsspringerzurückhaltungspolitik Reversed! - Part III SD Main Line 2...Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 by Eric Prié
SI 14.8 Contest in a Fashionable Najdorf line - Part I SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 by Emil Anka
SI 14.8 Ivanchuk's Reward for Creativity SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 by Atanas Kolev
SI 27.5 A Dangerous Sideline - Part II SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5 by Alexander Galkin
SI 31.9 Straight for the Black King SI Rossolimo Variation 3.Bb5 by Atanas Kolev
SI 39.12 Time for a Change? SI Taimanov Variation 2...Nc6, 4...e6 by Kick Langeweg
SI 46.6 Simple and Effective SI Alapin Variation 2.c3 by Adrian Mikhalchishin
SI 47.10 Increasing the Pressure SI Alapin Variation 2.c3 by Efstratios Grivas
SI 47.6 Prompted by the Hypermodernists - Part II SI Alapin Variation 2.c3 by Evgeny Sveshnikov
SL 6.1 Greed is Not a Vice?! SL Marshall Gambit 4.e4 by Alexey Kuzmin
TD 1.3 How Many Marshall Gambits Are There? TD Early Divergences by Simon Williams