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32 subjects found

CA 5.6
An Adjustment in the Main Line
CA Open Variation 6...dxc4
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 86 (2008)

CK 4.2
A Popular Approach to the Caro-Kann
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 86 (2008)

FR 5.3
Spielmann versus MacCutcheon!
FR MacCutcheon Variation
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 86 (2008)

GI 1.1
Heavy Scoring with a New Central Challenge
GI 3.f3 Line
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 86 (2008)

KI 40.2
Only for the Uncompromising
KI Samisch Variation 5.f3
by Kick Langeweg

Yearbook 86 (2008)

KI 48.8
An Antidote against a 'Poisoned' Pawn
KI Samisch Variation 5.f3
by David Miedema

Yearbook 86 (2008)

KI 7.3
A Battle of Ideas in the King's Indian
KI Classical Main Line 9.Nd2
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 86 (2008)

KP 12.9
Colman's Rook Remains Remarkably Resourceful
KP Two Knights: Main Line 5...Na5
by Marius Ceteras , Olimpiu G. Urcan

Yearbook 86 (2008)

NI 27.11
A Flank Thrust in the Sharp Ragozin
NI Manhattan Variation 5.Bg5 Nbd7
by Mikheil Mchedlishvili

Yearbook 86 (2008)

NI 27.2
Black's Choice - Part II: Inviting An Exchange Sac
NI Ragozin Variation 4.Nf3 d5
by Roberto Alvarez , Juan Morgado

Yearbook 86 (2008)

OI 15.7
Queen on the Run - Part II
OI Pseudo-Volga Gambit
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 86 (2008)

QI 14.7
21st Century Gambit - Part II
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 86 (2008)

QI 16.11
The Test of Time for Cserna's 17...b2
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 86 (2008)

QP 7.14
Another Attempt at Refutation
QP Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5
by Jose Vilela

Yearbook 86 (2008)

RG 3.5
A Popular Sideline Becoming the Main Line?
RG Nimzowitsch Variation 5.Nc3
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 86 (2008)

RL 17.5
The Marshall Attack: Where is the Pain?
RL Marshall Attack 8...d5
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SD 11.3
Königsspringerzurückhaltungspolitik Reversed! - Part V
SD Main Line 2...Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5
by Eric Prié

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SI 23.1
How to Avoid the Classical Scheveningen
SI Scheveningen Variation
by Evgeny Vladimirov

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SI 45.11
9...b6 - A Repertoire for Black
SI Closed Variation 2.Nc3
by Efstratios Grivas

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SI 8.14
Black is still fine in the Poisoned Pawn
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by Emanuel Berg

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SI 9.10
Hunting down Black in the Browne Variation
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by Zaven Andriasyan

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SL 6.6
The Khanty-Mansiysk Debate
SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SL 6.7
A Solid Recipe against Alekhine's Pet 7.Qb3
SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6
by Paul Boersma

Yearbook 86 (2008)

SL 9.5
Black Holds on in the Main Meran
SL Semi-Slav: Meran 6.Bd3
by Lars Bo Hansen

Yearbook 86 (2008)

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