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35 subjects found

AL 9.8
A Grünfeld against 1.e4? - Part II
AL 4...Nb6 Line
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 88 (2008)

CK 4.1
Asrian's Pet Pawn Sacrifice
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 88 (2008)

EO 44.8
New Mind-Benders in the Nimzo
EO Symmetrical with d2-d4
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 88 (2008)

FR 19.3
A Difficult Variation to Meet!
FR Tarrasch Variation 3...c5
by Andreas Tzermiadianos

Yearbook 88 (2008)

GI 5.1
A Little Provocation in the Centre-Building Variation
GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 88 (2008)

KF 11.14
Gurgenidze's Blockading System
KF Gurgenidze Variation
by René Olthof

Yearbook 88 (2008)

KI 15.7
A Modest but Venomous Rook Move
KI Glek Variation 7...Na6
by Bogdan Lalic

Yearbook 88 (2008)

KI 4.11
10...a5 - A new KID on the Block?
KI Classical Main Line 9.b4
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 88 (2008)

KI 55.6
7...b5 - Warcraft against the Four Pawns Attack
KI Four Pawns Attack 5.f4
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 88 (2008)

QI 16.11
Stonewall Motifs in the Queen's Indian
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 88 (2008)

QI 7.4
An Eye for an Eye, a Surprise for a Surprise
QI Classical Variation 4...Bb7
by Paul Boersma

Yearbook 88 (2008)

RG 2.1
Why not Attack the Weakest Point?
RG Steinitz Variation 3.d4
by Jose Vilela

Yearbook 88 (2008)

RL 17.2
An Escape from the Main Lines - Part II
RL Anti-Marshall Variation 7...0-0
by Jacek Ilczuk , Krzysztof Panczyk

Yearbook 88 (2008)

RL 23.1
The Marshall-Gajewski 2007 Gambit
RL Chigorin Variation 9...Na5
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 88 (2008)

RL 6.1
The Return of the Jaenisch - Part II
RL Jaenisch Variation 3...f5
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 88 (2008)

RL 6.6
The Return of the Jaenisch - Part II
RL Jaenisch Variation 3...f5
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 13.10
Ivanchuk's Birthday Bomb - Part II
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bc4
by Roberto Alvarez , Juan Morgado

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 13.6
A Neglected Standard Move
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bc4
by Mikhail Golubev

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 18.6
Carlsen and the Dragon - Part I
SI Dragon Yugoslav Attack: 9.Bc4
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 49.10
A Black Repertoire against the Grand Prix Attack
SI Grand Prix Attack 2.f4
by Efstratios Grivas

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 50.8
A Black Repertoire against the Morra
SI Morra Gambit 2.d4
by Efstratios Grivas

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SI 6.3
Gelfand's 11...Qb6 Remains Viable
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 88 (2008)

SL 1.4
The Early 5.Qc2 in the Chebanenko Slav
SL Chebanenko Slav 4...a6
by Atanas Kizov , Dejan Antic

Yearbook 88 (2008)

VO 17.2
The fabulous Budapest Gambit - Part I
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 88 (2008)

VO 17.4
A White Repertoire against the Budapest Gambit
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Efstratios Grivas

Yearbook 88 (2008)

VO 17.5
The fabulous Budapest Gambit - Part I
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 88 (2008)

VO 17.6
A White Repertoire against the Budapest Gambit
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Efstratios Grivas

Yearbook 88 (2008)

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