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38 subjects found

BI 18.5
Following Moskalenko's Path
BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 100 (2011)

CK 1.5
A Special Way to Combat the Caro-Kann
CK Early Divergences
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 100 (2011)

CK 4.15
An Obscure Gambit in the Caro-Kann
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 100 (2011)

CK 5.2
An Homage to the Trailblazers
CK Early Divergences
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 100 (2011)

EO 28.10
An Aggressive Englishman Is Tamed
EO Symmetrical with e7-e5
by Paul Boersma

Yearbook 100 (2011)

EO 45.8
A Failed Attempt at an Advantage
EO Symmetrical with d2-d4
by Alejo De Dovitiis

Yearbook 100 (2011)

FR 4.4
Bad News for 8...Qb6 Fans
FR Steinitz Variation
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 100 (2011)

GI 4.1
A Novelty That Became an Evergreen - Part I
GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines
by Endre Végh , Andras Adorjan

Yearbook 100 (2011)

HD 6.10
A Strong Weapon - A Quick e2-e4
HD Leningrad Variation 2...g6
by Endre Végh

Yearbook 100 (2011)

IG 5.10
Captain Evans'Brightest Light
IG Evans Gambit 4.b4
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 100 (2011)

KI 18.9
The Sharp Way to a Positional Game
KI Gligoric Variation 7.Be3
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 100 (2011)

KI 20.5
Immediate Action against 6.h3! - Part II
KI Early Divergences
by Ernesto Inarkiev

Yearbook 100 (2011)

NI 13.5
A Gap in My Opening Repertoire
NI Rubinstein Variation 4...b6
by Anatoli Vaisser

Yearbook 100 (2011)

NI 20.4
The Vitolins/Adorjan Gambit (I)
NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 100 (2011)

RE 7.6
Exciting Times in the Réti Gambit
RE 1...d5 2.c4 c6
by Richard Palliser

Yearbook 100 (2011)

RL 23.11
The Main Line Keres - A Modern Approach
RL Chigorin Variation 9...Na5
by Krzysztof Panczyk , Jacek Ilczuk

Yearbook 100 (2011)

RL 26.7
Painting the Ruy Lopez in New Colours
RL Zaitsev Variation 9...Bb7
by Garry Kasparov

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SI 32.1
Greek Goddess in Jeopardy
SI 4...Qb6 Lines
by Ufuk Tuncer

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SL 11.12
A Not So Harmless Line - Part II
SL Chebanenko Slav 4...a6
by Jose Vilela

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SL 4.5
Orientation in the Jungle - Part III
SL Accepted: Krause Variation 5...Bf5 6.Ne5
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SL 6.6
The Anti-Moscow - All is Well for Black!
SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6
by Abhijeet Gupta

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SL 7.5
Live Twings Growing from a Dead Branch
SL Botvinnik Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 100 (2011)

SO 5
Marrying and Divorcing the Scotch
SO Classical Variation 4...Bc5
by John Van der Wiel

Yearbook 100 (2011)

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