32 subjects found
BI 28.6 fresh Ideas in the Benko Gambit BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Sundararajan Kidambi
Yearbook 101 (2011)
EO 36.7 Still Good for an Initiative EO Symmetrical with d7-d5 by Mihail Marin , Valentin Stoica
EO 44.8 A Fashionable Nimzo-Indian Line EO Symmetrical with d2-d4 by Dejan Antic
EO 52.4 A Novelty Made on Move 5! EO Anti-Grünfeld Line by Petar Arnaudov , Vladimir Georgiev
FR 3.3 Strong Improvisation in the Advance French FR Advance Variation 6.Bd3 by Paul Boersma
FR 5.4 Back to the Past FR MacCutcheon Variation by Alejo De Dovitiis
GI 3.11 Early Activity on the Queenside (I) GI 4.Bf4 Line by Krzysztof Panczyk , Jacek Ilczuk
GI 4.1 A Touch of Bravado? GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines by Glenn Flear
GI 4.1 A Novelty That Became an Evergreen - Part II GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines by Andras Adorjan , Endre Végh
HD 3.7 The Catalanized Dutch HD Stonewall by Viktor Moskalenko
KI 26.6 The 'Four Pawns Attack' in the Averbakh Variation KI Averbakh Variation 5.Be2, 6.Bg5 by Alexey Kuzmin
KP 12.8 A Look at a 'Weird' Line KP Two Knights: Main Line 5...Na5 by Victor Mikhalevski
NI 20.4 The Vitolins/Adorjan Gambit (II) NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2 by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai
NI 21.5 Morozevich's Killer Variation NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2 by Kristof Juhasz , Jozsef Horvath
NI 27.9 Early Activity on the Queenside NI Manhattan Variation 5.Bg5 Nbd7 by Alexey Kuzmin
QI 15.4 Two Forefathers - Part I QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6 by Andras Adorjan , Endre Végh
QO 1.7 A Modern Way to Face 5.Bf4 QO Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4 by Petar Arnaudov , Vladimir Georgiev
RL 6.10 Why Not Retreat? RL Jaenisch Variation 3...f5 by Franck Steenbekkers
RL 7.4 The Berlin Wall Stands! RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6 by Emil Anka
SI 4.1 Triple Improvement - Part I SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 by Ufuk Tuncer
SI 4.8 The Poisoned Pawn: Improved, Deferred or Delayed? - Part I SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 by René Olthof
SI 41.15 My Favourite - Part II SI Paulsen or Kan Variation 2...e6 and 4...a6 by Nikolay Ninov
SI 41.9 Chess in the Jungle SI Paulsen or Kan Variation 2...e6 and 4...a6 by Tibor Fogarasi
SL 6.5 The Anti-Botvinnik - Part II SL Botvinnik Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4 by Viacheslav Ikonnikov
SL 1.6 Don't Relax! SL Slow Slav 4.e3 by Zaven Andriasyan
SL 3.1 Karjakin's 9...Bd7 Keeps Black in Fine Fettle! SL Chebanenko Slav 4...a6 by Abhijeet Gupta
SL 6.1 A Trappy Line SL Marshall Gambit 4.e4 by Eesha Karavade , Harika Dronavalli
SL 6.6 Poker and Hide-and-Seek with Anand SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6 by Tibor Karolyi
SO 4 Marrying and Divorcing the Scotch Twice? SO Mieses Variation 4...Nf6 5.Nxc6 by John Van der Wiel
SO 5 Marrying and Divorcing the Scotch Twice? SO Classical Variation 4...Bc5 by John Van der Wiel
VG 1.11 Not So Harmless! - Part I VG Fianchetto 2...Nf6/2...Nc6 3.g3 by Alexander Finkel
VO 12.2-3 Exotic but Harmless VO Van Geet Opening 1.Nc3 by Sergey Kasparov