46 subjects found
BI 23.10 Declined 5.b6 BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Karel Van der Weide
Yearbook 47 (1998)
BI 23.11 Declined 5.b6 BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Karel Van der Weide
BI 23.12 Declined 5.b6 BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Karel Van der Weide
BI 23.13 Declined 5.b6 BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Karel Van der Weide
BI 23.4 Declined 5.b6 BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5 by Karel Van der Weide
CA 5.7 The Logical 10.Bf4 CA Open Variation 6...dxc4 by Genna Sosonko
CK 4.13 With 4.g4 CK Advance Variation 3.e5 by Jeroen Bosch
CK 8.5 5.Ng5 Ngf6 6.Bc4 - Time for a change? CK Smyslov Variation 4...Nd7 by Leon Pliester
CK 8.7 5.Ng5 Ngf6 6.Bd3 - Where to put the King? CK Smyslov Variation 4...Nd7 by Leon Pliester
EO 5.4 Theory - The sacrifice Nc6-d4 EO Nimzo Approach 2. or 3...Bb4 by Maarten De Zeeuw , Roberto Cifuentes
EO 5.5 Theory - The sacrifice Nc6-d4 EO Nimzo Approach 2. or 3...Bb4 by Maarten De Zeeuw , Roberto Cifuentes
EO 5.7 Theory - The sacrifice Nc6-d4 EO Nimzo Approach 2. or 3...Bb4 by Roberto Cifuentes , Maarten De Zeeuw
EO 5.9 Theory - The sacrifice Nc6-d4 EO Nimzo Approach 2. or 3...Bb4 by Maarten De Zeeuw , Roberto Cifuentes
EO 64.8 Romanishin's 3...a6 EO Franco English: 2...e6 Rest by Vladimir Bagirov
FR 5.4 With 8…g6 FR MacCutcheon Variation by Igor Glek
GI 4.1 With 7.Bb5+ GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines by Kick Langeweg
HD 3.7 A straightforward way to combat the Stonewall HD Stonewall by Lars Bo Hansen
KI 1.4 With 15.c5 KI Classical Main Line 9.Ne1 by Genna Sosonko
KI 15.8 With Karpov's 8.Re1 KI Glek Variation 7...Na6 by Igor Glek
NI 20.15 With 4...0-0 5.a3 Lxc3 6.Qxc3 NI Classical Variation 4.Qc2 by Kick Langeweg
NI 5.15 NI Rubinstein Variation 5.Bd3, 7...dc4 by David Marciano
PU 8.11 PU Fianchetto Variation 4.g3 by Mihail Marin
QI 7.6 Kramnik's 7.Re1 QI Classical Variation 4...Bb7 by Kick Langeweg
QI 7.7 Kramnik's 7.Re1 QI Classical Variation 4...Bb7 by Kick Langeweg
QI 7.8 Kramnik's 7.Re1 QI Classical Variation 4...Bb7 by Kick Langeweg
QO 11.11 QO Exchange Variation by Paul Van der Sterren
QO 11.9 Make White worry a little as well. Play 8...Nh5! QO Exchange Variation by Paul Van der Sterren
QO 8.15 With 8.Be2 QO Tartakower Variation 7...b6 by Paul Van der Sterren
RG 2.7 The variation with 7...Be7 RG Steinitz Variation 3.d4 by Sergey Tiviakov
RL 17.1 RL Pseudo Marshall 7...Bb7 by A.C Van der Tak
RL 23.10 With 11…Nd7 RL Chigorin Variation 9...Na5 by Leon Pliester
RL 29.9 RL Open Variation 5...Nxe4 by Steffen Pedersen
RL 8.11 With 5...Qd6 RL Exchange Variation 4.Bxc6 by Paul Van der Sterren
SI 1.4 3...Nd7 SI Moscow Variation 3.Bb5+ by Mihail Marin
SI 12.4 With 6...Qc7 7.Qf3 g6 SI Najdorf Variation 6.f4 by Leon Pliester
SI 3.6 With 6.Bg5 SI Kupreichik Variation 5...Bd7 by Jeroen Bosch
SI 3.6 With 6.Be2 SI Kupreichik Variation 5...Bd7 by Jeroen Bosch
SI 33.7 Maroczy Variation SI Accelerated Dragon 4...g6 by Sergey Tiviakov
SI 38.1 Qf3!? or How to beat the 10...Bg7 Sveshnikov? SI Sveshnikov Variation 5...e5 by Jeroen Bosch
SI 9.9 Main Line with 13...Bg5 SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 by A.C Van der Tak
SL 4.5 Fighting Back! SL Accepted: Krause Variation 5...Bf5 6.Ne5 by Glenn Flear
SO 6.10 Accepted SO Göring Gambit 4.c3 by Jeroen Bosch
SO 6.11 Accepted SO Göring Gambit 4.c3 by Jeroen Bosch
SO 6.6 Accepted SO Göring Gambit 4.c3 by Jeroen Bosch
VO 13.12 VO Baltic Defence 2...Bf5 by Kick Langeweg
VO 7.16 Theory - From's Gambit VO Bird Opening 1.f4 by Maarten De Zeeuw , Roberto Cifuentes