New in Chess


Magazine 4 (1993)

22 subjects found

Bad Wörishofen 1993
Mitropa Cup
by Rudy Douven

Magazine 1993#4

Cannes 1993
Kramnik-Lautier match
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 1993#4

Dortmund 1993
Open Tournament
by Alexander Nikitin

Magazine 1993#4

Dortmund 1993
Karpov without competition
by Gregory Serper

Magazine 1993#4

Fide and GMA: Dialogue

by Jan Timman
Editorial , FIDE

Magazine 1993#4

Letter about Kasparov-Short
by Magazine Reader
Letters , FIDE

Magazine 1993#4

Kramnik, Vladimir
The most important thing is energy
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 1993#4

Mitrofanov, Leopold
Master of Magic in Endgame Compositions
by Jan Timman
Studies & Problems , Obituaries

Magazine 1993#4

Monaco 1993
Ljubojevic calls the tune in lucrative Melody Amber tournament
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 1993#4

Moscow 1992
Letter about article Timman Alekhine memorial
by Valery Salov
Tournaments , Letters

Magazine 1993#4

Nunn: Secrets of Rook Endings
Letter about Book Review
by John Nunn
Endgames , Computers , Books

Magazine 1993#4

PCA and Fide on the move

by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 1993#4

Problems with Converting the Advantage of the Exchange
Rook + Pawns vs Bishop + Pawns
by Adrian Mikhalchishin

Magazine 1993#4

San Lorenzo 1993
Letter about Timman-Short
by Magazine Reader
Tournaments , Letters

Magazine 1993#4

San Lorenzo 1993
Letter about Timman-Short
by Magazine Reader
Letters , Tournaments

Magazine 1993#4

Sicilian Defence
SI 46.11 + 12 - His Masters Voice
by Evgeny Sveshnikov , ,
Openings Theory

Magazine 1993#4

Sicilian Defence
SI 28.5 - Forgotten Novelty
by Alexander Nikitin
Openings Theory

Magazine 1993#4

Various titles
Book review
by René Olthof

Magazine 1993#4

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