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27 subjects found

BI 9.15
Veterans from All over the World Unite!
BI Fianchetto Variation
by Dejan Antic

Yearbook 116 (2015)

CK 4.2
A New Fashion in the Closed Caro-Kann
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by Jacek Ilczuk , Krzysztof Panczyk

Yearbook 116 (2015)

EO 28.12
Flank Attack in the Fischer System
EO Symmetrical 5...e6
by Laszlo Gonda

Yearbook 116 (2015)

EO 28.12
Blowing up the Centre
EO Symmetrical 5...e6
by Sergey Kasparov

Yearbook 116 (2015)

EO 3.13
7.Nh3 - Living on the Edge
EO Reversed Dragon 3/4...d5
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 116 (2015)

EO 65.1
Are You Afraid of the Anglo-Scandinavian?
EO Early Divergences
by Timo Immonen

Yearbook 116 (2015)

GI 1.1
The Latest News in the 3.f3 Anti-Grünfeld: Alternatives on Moves 7 and 8 - Part II
GI 3.f3 Line
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 116 (2015)

HD 3.8
...a5-a4 as a Defence Method
HD Stonewall
by Viacheslav Ikonnikov

Yearbook 116 (2015)

KI 27.6-8
Keeping the King's Indian in Control
KI Averbakh Variation 5.Be2, 6.Bg5
by Vishnu Prasanna

Yearbook 116 (2015)

KI 78.7
Kramnik's 5.e3 against the Grünfeld
KI Fianchetto Variation
by Max Illingworth

Yearbook 116 (2015)

PU 13.7
Unusual Complications in the 6...Nc6 Line
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Krisztian Szabo

Yearbook 116 (2015)

QG 3.2
Illogical but Quite Active
QG Central Variation 3.e4
by Bogdan Lalic

Yearbook 116 (2015)

RL 18.3
Tomashevsky's and Other Plans
RL Anti-Marshall Variation 7...0-0
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 116 (2015)

RL 6.1-14
Inexhaustible Creativity in the Jaenisch
RL Jaenisch Variation 3...f5
by Jan Rooze

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SI 14.1
An Untheoretical Move in the Najdorf
SI Najdorf Variation: Other Lines
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SI 14.12
Pushing White Back in the 6.h3 Najdorf - Part I
SI Najdorf Variation: Other Lines
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SI 17.4
A Nasty Finesse in the Dragon
SI Dragon 6.Be3 and 7.f3
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SI 40.2
New Brooms Sweep Cleaner - Part II
SI Taimanov Variation 2...Nc6, 4...e6
by Ufuk Tuncer

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SL 3.4
The 'Copy-Paste' Variation - Part II
SL Accepted: Other Moves
by Istvan Almasi

Yearbook 116 (2015)

SL 6.6
New Positional Trends in the Anti-Moscow
SL Moscow Variation 5.Bg5 h6
by Mihail Marin , Valentin Stoica

Yearbook 116 (2015)

TD 4.11
Can the 9.dxc5 d4 Tarrasch Gambit Be Revived?
TD Rubinstein Variation 6.g3
by Junior Tay

Yearbook 116 (2015)

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