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29 subjects found

PU 13.7
Unusual Complications in the 6...Nc6 Line
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Krisztian Szabo

Yearbook 116 (2015)

PU 11.8
Can Black Survive the 7.Qd4 Pirc?
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Mihajlo Stojanovic

Yearbook 112 (2014)

PU 12.9
Another Velimirovic Attack - Part II
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 108 (2013)

PU 12.9
Another Velimirovic Attack - Part I
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Luis Rodi

Yearbook 107 (2013)

PU 11.8
More Serious Than it Looks
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Endre Végh

Yearbook 97 (2010)

PU 13.12
More Than a Decent Alternative
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Alexander Finkel

Yearbook 93 (2009)

PU 13.11
Still Dangerous for Black - Part II
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Valentin Stoica , Mihail Marin

Yearbook 81 (2006)

PU 13.11
Still Dangerous for Black - Part I
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Mihail Marin , Valentin Stoica

Yearbook 80 (2006)

PU 13.12
Can White win at once with 9.f5?
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Karel Van der Weide

Yearbook 70 (2004)

PU 12.05
Restricting White´s Bishop
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Mihail Marin

Yearbook 68 (2003)

PU 11.3
Is an early offensive in the center dangerous?
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Mihail Marin

Yearbook 51 (1999)

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