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34 subjects found

BI 19.14
How the Benoni Countergambit became the Benkö Gambit
BI Benko/Volga Gambit 3...b5
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 72 (2004)

CA 1.3
Adventures Amidst Tranquillity
CA Bogo-Indian Variation ...Bb4+
by Alon Greenfeld

Yearbook 72 (2004)

EO 24.12
Developing the Knight to d2
EO Reversed Sicilian: Other Lines
by Igor Stohl

Yearbook 72 (2004)

EO 31.3
Postponing the Advance b2-b4
EO Symmetrical 5...e6
by Rustem Dautov

Yearbook 72 (2004)

FR 16.1
Put the Bishop on c4 in the French!
FR Tarrasch Variation 3...Nf6
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 72 (2004)

FR 5.3
The Comeback of 6.Be3 - Part II
FR MacCutcheon Variation
by Igor Glek

Yearbook 72 (2004)

GI 7.2
An English Line against the Grünfeld Indian
GI Exchange Variation: Other Lines
by Christian Bauer , Yannick Pelletier

Yearbook 72 (2004)

KG 1.4
The Kieseritzky Gambit - Part III
KG Classical Variation 3.Nf3 g5
by Michael Agermose Jensen

Yearbook 72 (2004)

KI 15.6
The Dutch Boy and the Dyke: The End
KI Classical Main Line: Other Moves
by Alon Greenfeld

Yearbook 72 (2004)

KP 14.3
Only a Footnote in History
KP Two Knights: 4.d4 complex
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 72 (2004)

RL 8.8
A Useful Lesson for the Future Champion
RL Exchange Variation 4.Bxc6
by Igor Glek

Yearbook 72 (2004)

SI 18.16
The Chinese Dragon Refuted!
SI Dragon Yugoslav Attack: 9.Bc4
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 72 (2004)

SI 18.6
An Azerbaijani Sacrifice in Topalov's Dragon - Part II
SI Dragon Yugoslav Attack: 9.Bc4
by Mikhail Golubev , Jacob Aagaard

Yearbook 72 (2004)

VO 22.7
A Dilemma for the Queen
VO Benoni Line
by Jose Vilela

Yearbook 72 (2004)

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