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31 subjects found

CA 3.3
In Memoriam: a Catalan Professor - Aleksander Wojtkiewicz
CA Accepted 4...dxc4
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 80 (2006)

EO 24.13
Praising an Old Plan to Death
EO Reversed Sicilian 2... or 3...c6
by Kick Langeweg

Yearbook 80 (2006)

FR 5.2
The Burn is not Burning Yet
FR Rubinstein Variation 3...dxe4
by Istvan Almasi

Yearbook 80 (2006)

GI 10.3
Deviations in the Prins Variation
GI Russian System 5.Qb3
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 80 (2006)

GI 9.4
Gaining Space on the Queenside - Part II
GI 4.Nf3 Bg7 Other Lines
by Jacek Ilczuk , Krzysztof Panczyk

Yearbook 80 (2006)

KI 18.9
The Gligoric is Fine for Black - Part I
KI Gligoric Variation 7.Be3
by Victor Mikhalevski

Yearbook 80 (2006)

KI 48.12
A Risky Plan in a Sämisch-Benoni Hybrid - Part I
KI Samisch Variation 5.f3
by Albert Kapengut

Yearbook 80 (2006)

KI 63.3
Return of the Queen Sortie - Part II
KI Fianchetto Variation
by Igor Stohl

Yearbook 80 (2006)

NI 27.14
Compromised but Quite Defendable
NI Vienna Variation 5.Bg5 dxc4
by Ruslan Scherbakov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

OI 12.6
Is 3...e5 Really Czech Benoni?
OI Delayed Benoni
by Steve Giddins

Yearbook 80 (2006)

PU 13.11
Still Dangerous for Black - Part I
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Valentin Stoica , Mihail Marin

Yearbook 80 (2006)

QI 4.19
Looking for the Best Recipe
QI Petrosian Variation 4.a3
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

RG 4.12
Two Refutations of the Petroff
RG Marshall Variation 6...Bd6
by Pavel Skatchkov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

RG 6.9
In Bent Larsen's Footsteps
RG Jaenisch Variation 6...Be7
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 80 (2006)

RL 19.9
Kholmov's Scheme against the Suetin Anti-Marshall
RL Closed Lines 8...d6
by Alon Greenfeld

Yearbook 80 (2006)

RL 7.4
The Direct Approach Cannot Worry Black
RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6
by Zoltan Almasi

Yearbook 80 (2006)

SI 14.8
Inexhaustible Resources - Part II
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3
by René Olthof

Yearbook 80 (2006)

SI 19.16
Is the Old Main Line Still Worth the Trouble?
SI English Attack 6.Be3, 7.f3
by Igor Stohl

Yearbook 80 (2006)

SI 27.10
A Good Bet for a Quick Win
SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5
by Mikhail Rytshagov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

SI 46.4
And No Dragons! - Part I
SI Alapin Variation 2.c3
by Evgeny Sveshnikov

Yearbook 80 (2006)

SL 3.1
For the Sake of the Bishop - Part I
SL Chebanenko Slav 4...a6
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 80 (2006)

VO 17.2
A Gambit for the Quick and the Alert - Part I
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Viktor Moskalenko

Yearbook 80 (2006)

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