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38 subjects found

BI 7.3
Is 8.Bb5 Nbd7 still promising for White?
BI Four Pawns Attack 7.f4
by Anatoli Vaisser

Yearbook 69 (2003)

EO 40.2
The Morozevich Manoeuvre
EO Symmetrical with e2-e4
by Kick Langeweg

Yearbook 69 (2003)

HD 1.2
Pushing the b-pawn early: 7.b4 in the Classical Dutch
HD Classical Variation 2...e6
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 69 (2003)

KF 13.4
A Positional Plan with 5.f4
KF 4.Be3 Variation
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 69 (2003)

KG 5.9
Charousek's Move?
KG Declined
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 69 (2003)

KI 2.1
When Bad Memory isn't a Blessing
KI Classical Main Line 9.Ne1
by Carlos Matamoros

Yearbook 69 (2003)

KP 13.3
Fighting for the Centre with f7-f6
KP Two Knights: 4.d4 complex
by Jacek Ilczuk , Krzysztof Panczyk

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QI 1.5
Countering a Dark-Square Strategy
QI 4.Bd2 c5 Line
by Rustem Dautov

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QI 1.8
I recommend 9...a5! in the Bogo
QI 4.Bd2 Qe7 Line
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QI 14.9
Revival of a Forgotten Variation (5.Qb3)
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QO 11.3
Botvinnik's Sharp Specialty
QO Exchange Variation
by Kick Langeweg

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QO 16.12
Brimming with Unsolved Questions (5.Qc2)
QO Early Divergences
by Paul Van der Sterren

Yearbook 69 (2003)

QP 7.9
The Solid Plan 2...d5 and 3...g6
QP Trompowsky Attack 2.Bg5
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 69 (2003)

RL 20.13
Infusing New Life Again?
RL Closed Lines 8...d6
by Laszlo Hazai , Peter Lukacs

Yearbook 69 (2003)

RL 20.8
Infusing New Life Again?
RL Closed Lines 8...d6
by Peter Lukacs , Laszlo Hazai

Yearbook 69 (2003)

SI 29.2
A Matter of Survival
SI Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5
by Miso Cebalo

Yearbook 69 (2003)

SI 46.1
A Bishop on g7 against the Alapin
SI Alapin Variation 2.c3
by Alexey Gavrilov

Yearbook 69 (2003)

SI 6.3
The Venerable 6.Bg5 in Action
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 69 (2003)

SI 9.7
The Venerable 6.Bg5 in Action
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 69 (2003)

TD 4.6.
Is 8...Be6 as bad as claimed?
TD Rubinstein Variation 6.g3
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 69 (2003)

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