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34 subjects found

AL 11.11
New Counter Keeps Black Alive
AL Modern Variation 4...g6
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 97 (2010)

BI 8.1
Counter the Surprise
BI Modern Main Line
by Romain Edouard

Yearbook 97 (2010)

CK 4.9
Closed Centre, Sure, but g2-g4?
CK Advance Variation 3.e5
by John Van der Wiel

Yearbook 97 (2010)

FR 3.6
New Ideas in the Advance French - Part I
FR Advance Variation 6.a3
by Evgeny Sveshnikov

Yearbook 97 (2010)

GI 1.15
Always a Dangerous Initiative
GI Fianchetto Variation 3.g3
by Endre Végh

Yearbook 97 (2010)

GI 5.14
Can Black Do Without His Bg7?
GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4
by A.C Van der Tak

Yearbook 97 (2010)

GI 5.7
Thrusting with the e-Pawn! - Part I
GI Exchange Variation 7.Bc4
by Glenn Flear

Yearbook 97 (2010)

KF 2.2
Reefs and Shoals of the North Sea - Part I
KF North Sea Defence 3.e5
by Krzysztof Panczyk , Jacek Ilczuk

Yearbook 97 (2010)

KI 15.9
Quite an Original Move
KI Glek Variation 7...Na6
by Alexey Kuzmin

Yearbook 97 (2010)

KI 20.13
A Tricky Move Order - the h3 System
KI Early Divergences
by Emil Anka

Yearbook 97 (2010)

KI 77.3
Still No Light at the End of the Tunnel
KI Fianchetto Variation
by Richard Palliser

Yearbook 97 (2010)

OI 16.10
An Anti-Positional Exchange
OI Schmid Benoni
by Sergey Kasparov

Yearbook 97 (2010)

PU 11.8
More Serious Than it Looks
PU Austrian Attack 4.f4
by Endre Végh

Yearbook 97 (2010)

QG 5.8
A Gambit Against the Alekhine Variation
QG Alekhine Variation 3.Nf3 a6
by Alexander Raetsky , Maxim Chetverik

Yearbook 97 (2010)

QI 1.8
Avoiding the Exchange on c3
QI 4.Bd2 Qe7 Line
by Viacheslav Ikonnikov

Yearbook 97 (2010)

QI 14.7
Developments in a Spectacular Variation - Part I
QI Nimzowitsch Variation 4...Ba6
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 97 (2010)

QP 6.10
The Anti-King's Indian
QP 3.g3 Line
by Sergey Kasparov

Yearbook 97 (2010)

RL 27.14
Lasker's Heritage - Part IV
RL Open Variation 5...Nxe4
by Victor Mikhalevski

Yearbook 97 (2010)

RL 7.1
Avoiding the Berlin Main Lines - Part II
RL Berlin Defence 3...Nf6
by Tibor Fogarasi

Yearbook 97 (2010)

SD 8.2
When to Win the Tempo? - Part I
SD 3.Nf3 Line
by Tibor Karolyi

Yearbook 97 (2010)

SI 14.8
Ambition Does Not Necessarily Involve Risk! - Part II
SI Najdorf Variation 6.Be3
by Mikel Huerga Leache

Yearbook 97 (2010)

SL 8.1
A New Weapon against a Respected Semi-Slav
SL Semi-Slav: Other moves
by Daniel Lemos Sarro

Yearbook 97 (2010)

TD 4.16
Being Flexible or Spoilt for Choice?
TD Rubinstein Variation 6.g3
by Jeroen Bosch

Yearbook 97 (2010)

VO 17.7
The Real Fajarowicz-Richter Gambit - Part IV
VO Budapest Gambit 2...e5
by Lev Gutman

Yearbook 97 (2010)

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