23 subjects found
Adoptionby Magazine Reader Letters
Magazine 2017#4
Brussels 1985Kortchnoi Hits Old Form Againby John Van der Wiel Tournaments
Day, LawrenceThe Underground Artistby Brian Hartman Interviews
Elo-list January 1986by The NIC Editorial team Miscellaneous
Endgame Studiesby John Roycroft Endgames , Studies & Problems
Estes Park 1985U.S. championshipby Edwin Albaugh Tournaments
Gjoevik 1985Nordic championship play-offby Helgi Olafsson Tournaments
Groningen 1985/86 jrKhalifman's Charismaby Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam Tournaments
Hilversum 1985Timman-Kasparovby Andras Adorjan Matches
Kasparov, GarryIn Profileby Bert Van de Kamp , , Interviews
Lucerne 1985World team championshipby David Goodman Tournaments
Montpellier 1985Tal-Timman Play-offby Willem Andriessen Matches
Nederland 1985/86Team championshipby Leon Pliester Tournaments
NIC YearbooksLetterby Magazine Reader Books , Letters
Sicilian Taimanov VariationSI 39 - Black is O.K.by Andras Adorjan Openings Theory
The SphinxLetter about cover Magazine 1985/3by Manfred Zitzman Letters
Theoretical conclusionsU.S. championshipby Leonid Shamkovich Openings Theory
Tilburg 1986Timman-Yusupov candidates matchby The NIC Editorial team Matches
Tony Miles' DiaryLetter about Tilburg 1985by Magazine Reader Letters
Trencianske Teplice 1985Czech openby The NIC Editorial team Tournaments
Various titlesBook Reviewby Geurt Gijssen Books
Welling, GerardInterviewby Herman Grooten Interviews
Wijk aan Zee 1986Short Supreme!by The NIC Editorial team Tournaments