New in Chess


The NIC Editorial team

133 yearbook survey(s) by The NIC Editorial team

612 articles found

Suba, Mihai
Political Asylum
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2023#8

Florida State Prison
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#7

New York 1988
Trading with the enemy
by The NIC Editorial team
Tournaments , Miscellaneous

Magazine 2019#7

Cannes 1988
Clock simul Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#6

Hilversum 1987
Timman-Ljubojevic match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#5

New World Record
Simul World Record Hans Böhm
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#5

Niemeijer, Meindert
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#3

Donner's New Book
Presentation of 'De Koning' (The King)
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2019#2

Donner, Johannes
Literary prize
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#6

European Cup 1986
All Soviet Final
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#5

Hamburg 1987
Clock simul Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#5

Hilversum 1986
Timman-Yusupov match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#5

The Botvinnik-Kasparov School

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#4

Riga 1986
Sokolov-Yusupov candidates match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#2

Amsterdam 1986
Ljubojevic wins Ohra Festival
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2018#1

Amsterdam 1986
Grandmaster group
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#8

Kasparov World Champion

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#8

Bugojno 1986
Karpov supreme
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#7

Hilversum 1986
Dutch championship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#7

Milic, Borislav
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#7

News Flash
Review Magazines
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#7

Barcza, Gedeon
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#5

Brussels 1986
Mayfly? - SWIFT tournament
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#5

Lugano 1985
Gheorghiu-Sorm: Fixed Game
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#5

The wedding gift
Wedding Glenn Flear
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#5

Tilburg 1986
Timman-Yusupov candidates match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#4

Trencianske Teplice 1985
Czech open
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#4

Wijk aan Zee 1986
Short Supreme!
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#4

Chess Stamps
final position Sundin-Andersson
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#3

Sharjah 1985
World Youth Championship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2017#2

Gjoevik 1985
Nordic championship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#8

Banja Luka 1985
Maja Chiburdanidze
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#7

Andersson-Kasparov match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#7

Hamburg 1985
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#7

Hilversum 1985
The Dutch Championship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#7

Irkutsk 1985
tt Simul,clock
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#7

Kashdan, Isaac
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#5

Beer-Sheva 1985
Zonal tournament
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#4

Lugano 1985
Warm welcome for Soviets
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#4

The Fide-documents
About Karpov-Kasparov 1984
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , FIDE

Magazine 2016#4

Young chess Queen avoiding to be square
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#4

Piket, Jeroen
Wijk aan Zee II
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#3

Foxboro 1985
Short-Alburt m
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#2

Moscow 1984
Karpov-Kasparov World championship match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#2

Riga 1984
Soviet Union nchampionship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#2

Bogart, Humphrey
The African Queen
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#1

Thessaloniki 1984
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2016#1

Novelty of the Month
Timman-Borm 1984
by The NIC Editorial team
Openings Theory

Magazine 2015#7

Tilburg 1984
Topchess in Tilburg
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2015#7

Brighton 1984
British championship
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2015#6

Bergen 1984
Timman-Sosonko match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2015#4

Hilversum 1983
Timman-Spassky match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2015#4

Bartel Takes to the Skies
Mateusz Bartel will play Dortmund
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

Chess for the Millions
Andrew Paulson
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

For blood and for fun
Bunratty 2012
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

Just Checking
Mihail Marin
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2012#2

Passing on the tradition
Yuri Averbakh
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2012#2

Secret Weapon
Vasily ‘Real Madrid’ Ivanchuk
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

Silent Check Mate
Humour in chess
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

Some are more equal
Desigual models Tania Sachdev, Victoria Cmilyte and Elisabeth Paehtz
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#2

In sync with Kris
Hikaru Nakamura
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2012#1

Let the games begin
FIDE calender
by The NIC Editorial team
FIDE , NIC's Café

Magazine 2012#1

Marc Lang dethrones Don Miguel

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2011#8

Zhao Xue’s crushing comeback
Nalchik women's Grand Prix
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , Tournaments

Magazine 2011#8

Aagaard, Jacob
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#7

Leon 2011 rapid match
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#5

Seirawan, Yasser
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#4

Doha 2011 Grand Prix women
1. Koneru
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#3

Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#2

Wijk aan Zee C
1. Vocaturo
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#2

Antakya 2010 ch-World women
1. Hou Yifan
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#1

Kasparov, Garry
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2011#1

Ashley, Maurice
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#8

Moscow 2010 World blitz
1. Aronian
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#8

Polgar, Susan
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#7

Bischof, Klaus
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#6

Gashimov, Vugar
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#5

Adams, Michael
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#2

Bursa 2010
The Game of the Year?
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#2

Finegold, Ben
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2010#1

Conquest, Stuart
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#8

Hoogeveen 2009
1. Tiviakov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#8

Puerto Madryn 2009 World Junior
1. Vachier-Lagrave
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#8

Haaksbergen 2009 Dutch championship
1. Giri
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#7

London 2009 Staunton-mem
UK vs The Netherlands
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#7

Topalov, Veselin
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#7

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#6

Benjamin, Joel
Just checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#5

Stefanova, Antoaneta
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#4

Hort, Vlastimil
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#3

Gustafsson, Jan
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#2

Chiburdanidze, Maya
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2009#1

Nataf, Igor-Alexandre
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#8

Garcia, Leontxo
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#7

Cmilyte, Victoria
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#6

Pfleger, Helmut
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#5

Hillarp Persson, Tiger
Just checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#4

Istanbul 2008
Who'll stop Hou Yifan?
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#3

Reykjavik 2008
How Wang Hao won
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#3

Silman, Jeremy
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#3

Caruana, Fabiano
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#2

Wijk aan Zee 2008 C
Fabiano Caruana plays con fuoco
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#2

Gormally, Daniel William
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#1

Merida 2007
Ivanchuk repeats victory in Torre Repetto Memorial
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2008#1

Barcelona 2007
Nakamura's Grand Tour
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#8

Nakamura, Hikaru
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#8

Jussupow, Artur
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#7

Akobian, Varuzhan
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#6

Differdange 2007
Humpy's Dream
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#6

Father & Son Reunion
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#6

Garuana, Fabiano
Grandmaster or Grande Maestro?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Biographical

Magazine 2007#6

Leon 2007 rapid
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#5

Movsesian, Sergei
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#5

One More Match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#5

Valjevo 2007
Karpov's Comeback?
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#5

What About Chuky's Match?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#5

Against All Odds
Garry Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#4

Gausdal 2007
Magnus Carlsen Back Home
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#4

Roshal Alexander (1936-2007)
Editor-in-chief of Chess Magazine '64'.
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#4

Tkachiev, Vladislav
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#4

Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?
Anatoly Karpov the richest chess player in history?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#4

Yerevan 2007 rapid match
Kramnik on Tour
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#4

Aronian, Levon
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#3

Damocles' Sword
Grand Slam Association (GSA)
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#3

Jorge Who?
Jorge Zamora = Jorge Sammour Hasbun
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#3

Old Stories
FIDE - World championship
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#3

Poikovsky 2007
A new Russian on the rise - 1.Yakovenko
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#3

Ejjanov, Pavel
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#2

Elista, the Sequel
German IM and journalist Martin Brautigam
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#2

Moscow 2007
Aeroflot open 1. Evgeny Alekseev
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#2

Alekseev, Evgeny
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2007#1

Bilbao 2006
Guggenheim Again
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#1

New Delhi 2006
Lahno-Negi match
by The NIC Editorial team
Tournaments , NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#1

Odessa 2007
Fulfilling a Promise
by The NIC Editorial team
Tournaments , NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#1

Who's Cheating Who?
Uma Kant Sharma
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2007#1

Bastia 2006 rapid
Kasimdshanov upsets Anand
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#8

Carbon Fianchetto
Trumpet player Jeff Kaiser
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#8

Christmas Gift?
Chess set modelled on the hands of Ringo Starr
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#8

Album by a Dutch artist or band named Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#8

Not the first Saturday
Laszlo Nagy, the organizer of the First Saturday Tournaments
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#8

As in the Old Days
Zürich 2006 rapid
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#7

Carlsen, Magnus
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#7

Pleasing the Wife?
Arvier 2006 Wch-seniors - 1.Kortchnoi
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#7

'Che' Says 'Que?'
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#6

Chess and Music
Hans & Barbara Holländer
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#6

Comforting Thought
About article in 'Scientific American'
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#6

Game of the Year?
Longyearbyen 2006 rapid
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#6

Navara, David
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#6

Negi, Parimarjan
India's youngest GM
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#6

Time for a Change
Symbiosis University in Pune
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#6

Villarrobledo 2006 rapid
1. Anand received also his weight in local wine
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#6

Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander
In memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#6

An Amazing Culture
Arianne Caoili
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#5

Red, Red Wine
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#5

What's Hot? Siberia!
2010 Olympiad
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#5

Zhukova, Natalia
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#5

Chess Oscar
Veselin Topalov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#4

Ekaterinburg 2006
New Chess Queen - Xu Yuhua
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#4

Quid Pro Quo
Reunification match Topalov-Kramnik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Sofia 2006 MTel Masters
Paulo Coelho
by The NIC Editorial team
Letters , NIC's Café , Tournaments , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

The 2700+ Rule
Teimour Radjabov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Black and White
Auchan Supermarket
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#3

Bucharest 2006 match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#3

Morozevich, Alexander
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#3

Recommended Reading
FIDE presidential elections
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#3

Reykjavik 2006 blitz
1. Carlsen
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#3

Beating Your Wife
Ekaterina and Suat Atalik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#2

Chess and American Football
Shaun Alexander
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#2

My Move, Your Honour?
Chess clocks in court rooms
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#2

Shahade, Jennifer
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#2

That's the Ticket
FIDE presidential election
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#2

Why Not?
'love metal' band HIM
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#2

Challengers and Candidates
New rules for challenging the World Champion
by The NIC Editorial team
FIDE , NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#1

Dlugy, Maxim
After spending eight months in a Russian prison
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Biographical

Magazine 2006#1

Istanbul 2005 Wch-jr
Mamedyarov and Pähtz new junior World Champions
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#1

Lasting Memory
Tallinn 2006 rapid
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2006#1

Negi, Parimarjan
GM normat the age of 12 years, 10 months and 29 days
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#1

Pähtz, Elisabeth
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#1

Ilymzhinov Challenged
FIDE presidential elections
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#8

The Right Time, the Right Place?

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#8

What's Next?
Topolov-Kramnik match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#8

Creativity and Innovation
Noguchi Museum
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#7

Diamonds and Pearls
Jewel Royale Chess Set
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#7

Fine Tradition
Moscow blitz 2005
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2005#7

Kuala Lumpur
How Wang Hao won
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#7

Rivne ch-Ukraine 2005
Alexander Areschenko Active Attacker
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#7

Shopping Sprees
Beverly Medoza & Joann Toledo
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#7

Tiviakov, Sergey
Just Cheking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#7

Kolkin, Mikhail
Feeling Better Now?
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#6

Mainz 2005
Anand-Grischuk rapid match
by The NIC Editorial team
Tournaments , NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#6

Negi, Parimarjan
The Indian 'Assembly Belt'
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#6

Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#6

Sachdev, Tania
The Kosteniuk of Indian chess?
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#6

Warsaw 2005 European championship
In Cauda Venenum - 1. Nisipeanu
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#6

Kosteniuk, Alexandra
Dare-Devil in Disguise
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#5

Losing One's Head
Hydra-Adams match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Computers

Magazine 2005#5

Ponomariov, Ruslan
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#5

A Basic Instinct?
Sharon Stone playing chess
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#4

Almost Done
The Chess House of Rafael Ortiz Bonilla
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#4

Arrested at Sheremetyevo Airport
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#4

No Offence Meant
T-shirt Florian Schiendorfer
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#4

The Unknown Chef
Vsily Ivanchuk Cooking
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#4

Anand, Viswanathan
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#3

Hidden Talents
Barrel of Oil
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#3

I Had a Dream
The Chess House of Rafael Ortiz Bonilla
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#3

Moscow 2005
Sutovsky's Craving for Creativity
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#3

Tell Me Wy
David Howel vs Daan Brandenburg
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#3

We Had a Dream
Fischer in Reykjavik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#3

Enough is Enough
Kasparov-Kasimdzhanov match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#2

The Sweet Taste of Success
Vishy Anand ambassador for biscuits
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#2

Christiansen, Larry
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#1

Kochin 2004
World Junior Championship - 1.Harikrishna
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2005#1

That Sounds Old
Linares 2005
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2005#1

Calvia Olympiad 2004 - More Highlights

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2004#8

Magnus Opus
Magnus Carlsen
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#8

Perfect Preparation!
Alexander Morozevich
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#8

Perfect Preparation?
Baadur Jobava
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#8

Kramnik, Vladimir
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2004#7

Secret Weapon
Valery Krilov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#7

Chess Babes
Angelina Sondakh
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#6

Free Fischer
Fisher's arrest in Japan
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#6

Karjakin, Sergey
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2004#6

Mainz 2004
Rapid match Anand-Shirov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2004#6

More Carmen Kass
Chess Babe
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#6

Attacking by Knight
Leeuwrden ch-NED 2004
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#5

Chess Babes
Maria Manakova
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#5

I'll be Back
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#5

Ivanchuk, Vasily
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2004#5

No Way!
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#5

The Arsonist
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#5

Chess Babe?
2002 Miss World Azra Akin
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#4

Kramik-Leko match
Brissago 2002
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#4

The Road Ahead
World championship matches
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#4

Vallejo Pons, Francisco
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2004#4

Alekhine simul
Brussels 1922
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

Call me when you're ready
Eric Weisstein
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

Chess Babes
Alexandra Kosteniuk
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

I Choose to Stay
Salome Thomas-El
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

Law and Order
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

Placing Bets (1)
Fide- World Championship Tripoli 2004
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2004#3

Placing Bets (2)
Fide - World Championship match Hanoi 2005
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2004#3

The Beatles: A Variation
Chess Lyric
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#3

Corus Chess Tournament
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#1

Clarke - Petrosian's Best Games of Chess
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#1

Prague 2003
Kortchnoi-Navara match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2004#1

Chess with a View
Willemstad 2003
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#8

Halkidiki Wch-jr 2003
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2003#8

Murphy's Law
Karel van der Weide at Curacao
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#8

Plovdiv ch-EUR 2003
Ultimate Blunder - Kortchnoi-Van der Stricht
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Tournaments

Magazine 2003#8

World Championships
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#8

Panormo 2003
Kasparov-Azmaiparashvil rapid/blitz match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#7

Perfect Preparation
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#7

Uneasy Feeling
Momot Chess Club
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#7

'Arnie's' secret
Arnold Schwarzenegger
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#6

Bobby's House Revisited
Robert Fischer
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#5

Chess and Art
Marcel Duchamp Man Ray Damien Hirst
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#5

History in the Making?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Matches

Magazine 2003#5

Leon 2003 Unaided Chess
by The NIC Editorial team
Tournaments , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#5

Politeness and Dignity
Vitali Klitschko
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#5

Drawing Blood
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#4

Look Who's Playing
Europe Echecs
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#4

Chess is....
a perfect substitute for life.
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#3

Haven't we met before?
Kasparov and Vallejo
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#3

Karl and Bobby
Karl Rove 'the Bobby Fischer of American politics'
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#3

Linares Documentary
Paco Vallejo in Piezas de un Tablero
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#3

Look what we've got here
Picture from Wijk aan Zee
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#3

Brissago 2003
Karjakin - Kosteniuk match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Buenos Aires
FIDE Reunification
by The NIC Editorial team
FIDE , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Is This Yours?
Anand's spectaculair 23.d7!
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Nakamura, Hikaru
For the record
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Sleepless in Moscow
FIDE Reunification
by The NIC Editorial team
FIDE , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Burning,Burning, Webside Inferno
KasparovChess website
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#1

Goa 2002
Aronian new junior world champion
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2003#1

Judit Did It
Judit Polgar: 2700 elo
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#1

A Frenchman in Tokyo
Lautier vs Japanese Shogi players
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Chess is Stamps
stamps of the Bled olympiad
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2002#8

Chess is...
one of the most brilliant forms of boredom
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Fide on Drugs
No fines, no bans, no nothing
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Fischer, Bobby
Family Matters
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Perfect Score
Robert Gwaze from Zimbabwe
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Running mates
Ivan Sokolov and Larry Christiansen
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#8

Absolute European Championship

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#7

In Cauda Venenum
New trend in chess circles
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#7

König, Imre
Who was Imre Konig?
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2002#7

My Club is my Castle
New home in Bunschoten
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#7

Passion for Life
Tattoo Andreas Tzermiadianos
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#7

Anand's Jacket
Anand-Ponomariov Mainz 2002
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Matches

Magazine 2002#6

Brain Power
Vladimor 'Steel Hammer' Klitschko
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#6

Clever Move
Zhu Chen had taken her Masters
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#6

Kariakin's Record
Youngest grandmaster in history
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#6

No, That's My Brother
Vitaly Klitschko at Dortmund
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#6

Dubious Decisions
Tennis legend Manuel Orantes
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#5

Leon 2002
Kramnik-Anand - A Guy for all the Dirty Work
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#5

Match of the Century
Russia against Rest of the World
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#5

Our Man in Memphis
Lennox Lewis
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#5

What's the Name of the Game?
Soccer and Chess
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#5

Everyday Hero
Maurice Ashley
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#4

Greengard, Mig
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2002#4

Peace in Prague
Unification of the Chess World
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2002#4

Traveling Light
Eurotel World Chess Trophy in Prague
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#4

Dr Kortchnoi
Doctor honoris causa
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#3

King Luck
Loek van Wely -crash
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#3

Protracted Feud
Kasparov and Shirov again declined to shake hands
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#3

A letter from Linares
Ruslan Ponomariov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#2

As if we didn't know
Jeff Joireman
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#2

Bareev, Evgeny
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2002#2

Chess as a metaphor
Herman van Riemsdijk
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#2

One thing we don't want to know
John Walker
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#2

Ruurd Kunnen
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2002#2

Lautier, Joel
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2002#1

Rudolf Valentino
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#8

Continue to Work Off-Line?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#8

Frustrating Story
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#8

Give the Guy a Hiding
Lennox Lewis
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#8

Polgar, Sophia
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#8

Prague 2001
Kasparov and the Wreck of Nations
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#8

Ultimate Blunder Update
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#8

Donner Rediscovered
The Discovery of Heaven - Stephen Fry
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#7

K-K-K-Come again?
Kasparov - Karpov - Kramnik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#7

September 11
Kasparov-Anand 1995
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#7

Sometimes you win, sometime
Rating Alexandru Crisan
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#7

Suetin, Alexey
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#7

Yermolinsky, Alex
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#7

Amsterdam 2001
Van Wely's way to win
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#6

Baburin, Alexander
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#6

I'll be back
Rating Alexandru Crisan
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#6

Leko Film
Documentary 'Not Just a Game' by Wendy van Wilgenburg
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#6

Moscow's the place to be
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#6

Dortmund 2001
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#6

Think Like a Grandmaster
Article in Nature by a team led by Professor Thomas Elbert
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#6

Dortmund Embraces Braingames

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#5

Loekie in the Skies
Loek Van Wely
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#5

Looking for Revenge
Euwe and Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#5

Popular Face
Chess on stamps - Anatoly Karpov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#5

And now for something
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#4

Chess Oscar
Vladimir Kramnik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#4

Euwe Biography
Alexander Munninghoff
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#4

Euwe, Max
The Dutch World Chess Champion
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#4

Georgiev, Kiril
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#4

Merida 2001
Anand Superior
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#4

Odds or Odd?
Terence Chapman
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#4

Zurich 2001
Another Classic Kramnik-Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#4

Celebration Time
Stamps Max Euwe designed by Rutger Fuchs
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Gelfand, Boris
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#3

Hell Hath no Fury
Suzanne Martin Brain Games press chief
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Properly Dressed
FIDE against untidy clothes
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Russian Silhouettes
First copy
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Zsuzsa Polgar wins Lawsuit

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

For the Record
The Guinniss Book of Records
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#2

A Bride's Gotta Do What..
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#1

Vistanietzki, Itzchak
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#1

Another Court Case
Alexey Shirov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#7

Kasparov-Kramnik match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#7

Conflict of interests
Kasparov-Kramnik match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#7

Free the Henderson one
Kasparov-Kramnik match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#7

Kasparov: Kasparov against the World
Book Review
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Books

Magazine 2000#7

Kasparov-Kramnik match
by The NIC Editorial team
Matches , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#7

Xu Yuhua
Another star from China
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2000#7

A friend is need is .....
Bob Hasan
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Chess Cake
Wedding Peter Leko
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Interesting Player
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Montecatini Terme 2000
Ivanchuk's Italian Recipe
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2000#6

Secret language
New in Chess code system
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Star Chess
Sting and Garry Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Taking Part is More Important than....
Olympic family
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Two Weddings and a Funeral
Wedding Judit Polgar
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Yudina, Ludina
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#6

Bagirov, Vladimir
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2000#5

Improve you Meta-Cognition
Xie Jun - Master in Comparative Education
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#5

Life and Art
Endgame Berkvens-Van Beek
by The NIC Editorial team
Endgames , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#5

No Offence Intended
World championship
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#5

The Weight
Fischer random chess
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Computers

Magazine 2000#5

Enough is Enough
Open letter Seirawan
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2000#4

Gipslis, Aivars
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2000#4

Tourist Information
FIDE Presidential Board
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#4

What's in a Rating
Rating Burmese players
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2000#4

Doping Control? Computer Control!

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2000#2

Geometrical Perception
Anna Kournikova
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#2

Linares, New York, Blackpool
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#2

Threatening to Quit?
Ilymshinov's memorandum
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2000#2

But what if?
Sadler: Tips for Young Players
by The NIC Editorial team
Books , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#1

Game, Set and Match
Anna Kournikova
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#1

Keep Cool
Dissertation Hans Scholten
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#1

Player of the Century
Bobby Fischer
by The NIC Editorial team
History , NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#1

Vyzhmanavin, Alexey
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2000#1

Winner Takes All
Ratings Burmese chess players
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2000#1

Happy Birthday!
René Olthof
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

Patriot Game
Utut Adianto: For a united Indonesia
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

Prins, Lodewijk
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#8

Silence is Golden
75th anniversary of FIDE
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

The Beauty of Chess
Best looking female and male chess players
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

The Best Move in the Position
Bu Xiangzhi: The youngest grandmaster ever?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

Too Sparing in Praise
Jonathan Rowson
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#8

Emms: The Survival Guide to Rook Endings
Book Review
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#7

Fiala: Quarterly for Chess History
Book Review
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#7

Karnazes twins
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#6

Lutz: Endgame Secrets
Book Review
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#6

Ree: The Human Comedy of Chess
Book Review
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#6

Two is company
Kasparov-Timman Rotterdam 1999
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#6

FIDE Ranking July 1999

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1999#5

Let the games begin
FIDE world championship Las Vegas
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#5

The ultimate Blunder (I)
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#5

The ultimate championship

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#5

The 1998 Oscar
1. Viswanathan Anand
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#4

Abandon all hope
Polgar family
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#3

Advances in Chess?
Advanced Chess match in Leon
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Computers

Magazine 1999#3

Black is OK
Grandmaster norm Maurice Ashley
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#3

Totally unacceptable?
Kasparov's improvised Linares press conference
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#3

Crisis? Whose crisis?
What about Anand?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#2

Mssing games
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#2

Sadder and sadder
Catharina Roodzant-Glimmerveen
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#2

A Revelation
Album Mark Taimanov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1999#1

A Sabbatical Year?
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#8

Clash of the Titans
Kasparov and Anand
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#8

The Loser of 1998
Alexey Shirov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#8

The Winner of 1998
Viswanathan Anand
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#8

Chips of the Old Block?
Game Botvinnik-Petrosian 1998
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#7

60 Years of Hoogovens
A Pictorial Celebration
by The NIC Editorial team
Books , History

Magazine 1998#6

No Match (I)
Xie Jun-Galliamova
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#6

No Match (II)
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#6

The Road to Elista
car accident Maya Chiburdanidze
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#4

The Road to Kasparov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 1998#4

FIDE Rating list January 1998

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1998#1

What's New in Chess?
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1997#7

World Championship (I)
Open Letter Ubeda players
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1997#2

Groningen 1996
Groningen 1946 brevisted
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1996#6

Strumica 1995
Azmai's Answer (II)
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1996#5

Botvinnik, Mikhail
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1995#3

St Petersburg 1995
Z.Polgar-Chiburdanidze Wch women Semi-final
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1995#3

National Championships 1994

by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#8

Antwerp 1994
1. Van der Sterren
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#6

Biel 1994
World championship Seniors - 1. Taimanov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#6

Leeuwarden 1994
1/2. Yakovich Kharlov
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#6

Mlada Boleslav 1994
Skoda Open
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#6

Van Scheltinga, Theo
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1994#6

Biel 1993
Press release from the participants in the Biel Interzonal
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1993#5

Fide: Elo-list July 1992
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1992#5

Paris 1991
Timman triumphs in Trophée Immopar
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#8

Season's Greetings
New in Chess office staff
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#8

Highest rated Players since 1970
Elo rating of the past
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#5

GMA Chairman submits resignation
Press release
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#4

Kasparov in World Cup
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#3

Mecking, Henrique da Costa
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1991#2

Garcia Gonzalez, Guillermo
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1990#8

Grandmaster Class
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1990#4

Najdorf, Miguel
Birthday (80th)
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1990#4

Andruet, Gilles
Chess Master KO'd (again)
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1989#6

Mulder van Leens Dijkstra,Kor
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1989#6

Press Release
GMA and FIDE take their stands
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1989#4

Chess Oscars
for Kasparov and Judit Polgar
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1989#3

Donner, Johannes
In Memoriam
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1988#8

News from the GMA
Press Release
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1988#8

Agdestein, Simen
Double Talent
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1988#7

Euwe, Max
Prof. Dr. Max Euwe Avenue
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 1988#7

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