New in Chess


Magazine 4 (2006)

25 subjects found

4 NCL 2005/06
Wood Green still on top
by Steve Giddins

Magazine 2006#4

Chess Oscar
Veselin Topalov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2006#4

Crooked Smile, Twinkling Eyes
Kortchnoi: My Life for Chess
by Hans Ree
Columns , Books

Magazine 2006#4

Ekaterinburg 2006
New Chess Queen - Xu Yuhua
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2006#4

Foxwoods 2006
1/3. Van Wely, Smirin and Perelshteyn
by Elizabeth Vicary , ,

Magazine 2006#4

Germany Bundesliga 2005/06
OSC Baden-Baden clinches first title
by Harald Fietz

Magazine 2006#4

J.H.Donner: The King - Chess Pieces
What is the Greatest Chess Book of all Time?
by Jeremy Silman

Magazine 2006#4

Malmö 2006
1. Timman
by Jan Timman

Magazine 2006#4

Mastrokoukos is the Name
FIDE Presidential elections
by Magazine Reader
Letters , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

My Gambit
TD 2.16 - Tarrasch Defence
by Yury Razuvaev
Openings Theory

Magazine 2006#4

Not a Jot of Difference
FIDE Presidential elections
by Magazine Reader
Letters , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Quid Pro Quo
Reunification match Topalov-Kramnik
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Russian Super-league 2005/06
1. Ural (Sverdlovsk)
by Vladimir Barsky

Magazine 2006#4

Sarajevo 2006
Magnus Carlsen
by Simen Agdestein

Magazine 2006#4

Schagen 2006
Van Wely-Carlsen match
by Simen Agdestein

Magazine 2006#4

Sofia 2006 MTel Masters
Paulo Coelho
by Magazine Reader , , , , , , , ,
NIC's Café , Letters , Tournaments , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Sosonko: Smart Chip from St. Petersburg
Rowson's Review
by Jonathan Rowson

Magazine 2006#4

Stohl: Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games
Rowson's Reviews
by Jonathan Rowson

Magazine 2006#4

The 2700+ Rule
Teimour Radjabov
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2006#4

Van Perlo: Endgame Tactics
Rowson's Reviews
by Jonathan Rowson

Magazine 2006#4

Yermolinsky: The Classical Sicilian
Rowson's Reviews
by Jonathan Rowson

Magazine 2006#4

Young Ages and Dark Ages

by Garry Kasparov

Magazine 2006#4

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