New in Chess


Magazine 3 (2001)

24 subjects found

Cannes 2001
Kasparov again
by Iosif Dorfman

Magazine 2001#3

Capelle la Grande 2001
And the winner is... Chuchelov
by Simen Agdestein

Magazine 2001#3

Celebration Time
Stamps Max Euwe designed by Rutger Fuchs
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Chess Notes (1)
Letter about column Winter
by Magazine Reader
Letters , Columns

Magazine 2001#3

Chess Notes (2)
Letter about column Winter
by Magazine Reader
Letters , Columns

Magazine 2001#3

Gelfand, Boris
Just Checking
by The NIC Editorial team

Magazine 2001#3

Grischuk, Alexander
I don't see why chess should do worse than curling
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 2001#3

Hell Hath no Fury
Suzanne Martin Brain Games press chief
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Karpov, Anatoly
by Paul Kusters

Magazine 2001#3

Kortchnoi, Victor
by Genna Sosonko

Magazine 2001#3

Linares 2001
Kasparov first, way ahead of equals
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 2001#3

Long Ago and Far Away
The Quarterly for Chess History
by Hans Ree
Books , Columns

Magazine 2001#3

Monaco 2001
Topalov and Kramnik dominate 10th Amber
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 2001#3

Nunn - Understanding Chess Move by Move
Book Review
by Matthew Sadler

Magazine 2001#3

Pedersen - Test Your Chess
Book Review
by Matthew Sadler

Magazine 2001#3

Properly Dressed
FIDE against untidy clothes
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Russian Silhouettes
First copy
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

Saint Vincent 2001
by John Littlewood
Tournaments , Letters

Magazine 2001#3

Seattle 2001
No longer hidden Dragon - United States-China
by Joel Benjamin

Magazine 2001#3

SOS - Harmless, but Dangerous
FR 10.1 - French Defence
by A.C Van der Tak
Openings Theory

Magazine 2001#3

Watson - The Gambit Guide to the Modern Benoni
Book Review
by Matthew Sadler

Magazine 2001#3

Zsuzsa Polgar wins Lawsuit

by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2001#3

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