New in Chess


Magazine 2 (2003)

23 subjects found

Letter from Ildar Salakhutdinov about book review Matthew Sadler
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

Astana 2003
Kortchnoi - Sadvakasov match
by Darmen Sadvakasov

Magazine 2003#2

My testimony
by Genna Sosonko

Magazine 2003#2

Beim: Understanding the Leningrad Dutch
Sadler on Books
by Matthew Sadler

Magazine 2003#2

Brissago 2003
Karjakin - Kosteniuk match
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , Matches

Magazine 2003#2

Buenos Aires
FIDE Reunification
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2003#2

Fascinating in all phases
The game Grischuk-Radjabov Wijk aan Zee 2003
by Jan Timman
Tournaments , Columns

Magazine 2003#2

Fischer, Bobby
Letter from David Lyons
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

Gibraltar 2003
Kotronias and Short tie in Gibraltar Masters
by James Plaskett

Magazine 2003#2

Is This Yours?
Anand's spectaculair 23.d7!
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

Memorable Years
60th birthday of Robert Fischer
by Hans Ree

Magazine 2003#2

Nakamura, Hikaru
For the record
by The NIC Editorial team
Biographical , NIC's Café

Magazine 2003#2

New York 2003
Blue Shadow over Kasparov-Deep Junior
by Joel Benjamin
Computers , Matches

Magazine 2003#2

Out of Place
Short and Timman II - letter from B.Worht
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

Seattle 2003 ch-USA
'Gourmet' Shabalov New US Champ
by Nick De Firmian

Magazine 2003#2

Sleepless in Moscow
FIDE Reunification
by The NIC Editorial team
NIC's Café , FIDE

Magazine 2003#2

SOS - Beating the Van Geet
VO 12.3 - The Van Geet Opening
by Jeroen Bosch
Openings Theory

Magazine 2003#2

The Truth
Letter from Elmer Sangalang about Sosonko's Death of a Salesman
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

What a Pity!
Letter from Wil Ransome about book review Matthew Sadler
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

What is Chess?
Letter from Joseph Daudish
by Magazine Reader

Magazine 2003#2

Wijk aan Zee 2003 A
The Clockwork Tiger and the Old Fox - 1.Anand
by Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam

Magazine 2003#2

Wijk aan Zee 2003 B
the name's Zhong. Zhang Zhong
by John Van der Wiel

Magazine 2003#2

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